Dragonfly boosted

I was going to post this a few days ago.

Now I'm asking brothers and sisters for urgent prayer for healing. My wife and I have come down with Co**d.
Our symptoms are different one from another and we never thought we could ever get this..
I've been really sick with it for over a week now.
I feel like I should take something (besides just motrin IB and acetaminophen and organic apples, etc.) I've had almost no appetite for a week now. I feel nauseated to put food in my mouth and today it has been harder to breathe, and I've been dizzier.
At least my wife has been able to eat, but she's had a stronger cough for a while. But now the cough is getting me bad and making it harder to breathe.
I welcome prayers, recommendations, etc.
Bless you

Dragonfly boosted
Dragonfly boosted

He has gone to be with Jesus. Please pray for his wife and 12 children.

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I know I said before we can worship openly but I believe it is only a matter of time before there will be restrictions. Already a well known sportsman had his career ruin for quoting bible verses on social media. I also know of a doctor who has been struck off the register for placing his christian views on line!

Dragonfly boosted
Dragonfly boosted
Dragonfly boosted

When you've lived long enough and walked with God long enough you start to see many repetitive principles of truth appearing over and over amongst the people.

One of these for me is watching the results of someone's life who kept choosing to become more and more self absorbed. They never turned back and became a blackhole of misery. And as they say misery loves company. Always spreading all that poison all over all around them because all You people are the problem, only I am righteous and suffering and so it's my right to destroy your life the way you destroyed mine. That person ended in suicide... Their life and death caused so much collateral damage...

Now I see an entire political party and conglomeration of tech giants and I dont know all what else but millions if not billions of deceived people going down the same self absorbed, self destructive path that has already sealed thier fate for all who don't escape the lies by the grace of God...

Jesus said pray for your enemies...

Dragonfly boosted

Hate the evil not the people.
Jesus lived and died and resurrected again for us while we were still slaves to sin.
Love & Prayers

Dragonfly boosted

While cutting hair today my dog Moses ate his favorite UK hat.
Need a “Back to Jerusalem” hat for next visit.
He left with a copy of “Leaving buddha”

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Looking for a book yesterday a lot Vito slipped out from 1997
There are no coincidences I’m reading the underground church and it’s my bookmark now
God is so amazing!

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Dragonfly boosted
Dragonfly boosted
Dragonfly boosted

😎 Briefly, I am a new user and have just watched tutorial and am working on getting up to speed. I am deeply affected by the books Rees Howell (The Intercessor) and The Heavenly Man. After reading about Brother Yun, I drove to a meeting in West Palm Beach. The atmosphere and prayers were life changing. I am unsatisfied with the condition of the American Church.

Dragonfly boosted

Now mask nazis are pushing emotional blackmail and guilt. If they had ANY brain whatsoever, this kind wouldn't depend on others to save them and INSTEAD look to natural solutions that really work, that keep you from getting ANY virus and passing away with it. The fear is UNNECESSARY!

Dragonfly boosted

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,
On those who hope in His mercy,
To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine.
Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
For our heart shall rejoice in Him,
Because we have trusted in His holy name.
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us,
Just as we hope in You.
Psalm 33:18-22

Dragonfly boosted


Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust.
O my soul, you have said to the Lord,
“You are my Lord,
My goodness is nothing apart from You.”
As for the saints who are on the earth,
“They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.”
Psalm 16:1-3

Dragonfly boosted

A 75 year old man died in Israel two hours after #covid vaccination because of a heart attack. He now officially died because of his health preconditions.

Before the Covid vaccination people with health preconditions [co-morbidities] died of Covid. After the Covid vaccination people die because of their preconditions...

It's always the fault of the person receiving the treatment or experiencing the sacred disease. 🤔


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