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A 75 year old man died in Israel two hours after #covid vaccination because of a heart attack. He now officially died because of his health preconditions.

Before the Covid vaccination people with health preconditions [co-morbidities] died of Covid. After the Covid vaccination people die because of their preconditions...

It's always the fault of the person receiving the treatment or experiencing the sacred disease. 🤔

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Nearly all my normal sources have gone SILENT over the last 2-3 days. Something is afoot. I don't think they're in danger, I think they're keeping their lips sealed on purpose.

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Dragonfly boosted

My daughter is ready for DC 01/06
Then she got scared...
This is what I sent to her:

For my (daughter):
You have 4 phenomenal children!
I think Trump will protect the Patriot rally!!!
The Oath Keepers and many other now civilian militias are going armed.
I believe our military will join the Patriots.
YOU, Momma Bear, are the only one that can decide if the best way to protect your children is to stay home or go help fight back.
Pray for guidance, God will give you your answer.

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GOD gave me two words for 2020.
Paradigm Shift
Had to look up definitions just to be clear. A fundamental shift in the foundations of how things work.
WOW was He right as always!
Masks that are utterly useless against any virus.
3rd world level corruption in voting in the US of A.
Lawlessness with governors approval.
Closing Churchs
Destroying the world economy via lock downs.
A complete loss of any form of logic regarding coronavirus.
Corruption boiled to the surface across the world.
A newly formed federation of evil economic giants led by the moral compass of the worst Pope in history under the guise of bringing morality into capitalism...
And on and on...
GOD is not disturbed in the least and all my hope and trust is in Him, so I'm good.
BTW We ain't seen nothing yet. Men's hearts failing them for things coming upon the earth...
Pray without ceasing and Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Love & Prayers

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@Jubilee we LOVE doing these series' on Dingdash as everyone comes together in prayer🙏🏼🌍 I'm sure we'll look at doing others into next year.
Merry Christmas! 🎄💕

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Our final day of prayer! While you’re doing your final Christmas preparations, please take a moment to share in our unending burden to pray for China.

As we are ready to celebrate, thousands will be forced to celebrate in silence. As we gather with our loved ones, our brothers and sisters are spending Christmas persecuted and alone in a prison cell.

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In Numbers 16 is the story of Korah and his rebellion.

As I was praying yesterday, God reminded me of the judgment of the wicked. I prayed that the LORD would judge the wicked now as He did then. That God would separate the righteous from evildoers.

God told Moses to step back and separate from them. The evildoers were swallowed up alive in the Earth.

I sense that God is about to judge the evil ones in our government in a drastic way.


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As I am praying for North Korea, I am praying that the LORD will bring down this evil regime. Plus, I have been praying and seeing North and South Korea unify. On top of that, I am praying that God would bring in righteous government and prosper Korea.
There is nothing that is impossible for God to do!

Just received ”back to Jerusalem”
30 day devotional
Perfect time for the new year

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Dragonfly boosted

The closer we get to inaugurating President Trump, the more thankful I am for him.
This has been an extremely intense battle, but we are talking about keeping our country, OUR COUNTRY.
May the LORD glorify Himself more than in any time we have seen.
BaShem Yeshua. (In the name of Yeshua.)

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First time being apart of Operation happiness
So many needed prayer, asking for peace with tears
Praise God for He is our Prince of Peace!
Keep shining, planting, watering in these dark times
God will make increase

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Today is Day 10 of our “12 Days of Christmas Prayers”

Follow the link and join us as we pray for the precious people of Burma!

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In early November, an Italian archbishop and Pope Francis foe, Carlo Maria Vigano warns President Trump "Great Reset" whose architects are "a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations."

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Thank you so much.
I haven’t been on social media for several years it may take me a bit to figure it out again.
I’m just finishing “leaving Buddha” incredible story and very inspirational

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