Do you know that The Seven Day Adventists with Walter Veith & Amazing Discoveries revealed various links between the Grahams and the Vatican, Freemasons and what is called the Illuminati, all in kahoots with seriously dark satanic stuff, decades ago?

It amazes me how many of you Americans cannot even hear your own homegrown American critics when they sound such bells for ages now. The Baptist movement in USA grew side by side with the New Age Gnostic movements and the Spiritualists in the early 1800s and so on. (See the 1844 Baptist & Adventist themes versus the Fox sisters and Blavatsky types. It is VERY serious stuff from the 1800s+ USA, Europe and the Anglican church too.)

(Walter Veith & CO pointed out that what the Ellen G. White type was to the Baptist movement++ the Blavatsky type was to the Occult world.)

@Dreamsharer @sinbach I know that your post was directed to Eugene, but it is visible to all who follow you. Did I understand correctly that you think he is defending Graham's meeting with the Chinese delegation? It's quite the opposite. That's what the article, and the podcast episodes on this theme are about. It seems like you are reprimanding him, as you write "you Americans". I don't get it, since he's got more discernment than most Christians, and he can distinguish between true and false faith. That's why he supports the underground house church in China and elsewhere.


@tanjaostman @sinbach
Seen this one lately? ("Jesus Revolution" in the 1960s+)
This - and knowing more from the Scandinavian missionary history reveals some VERY dark and sinister undertones WITHIN "Christian" circles that are not even understood correctly by our 1950-2000s+ mindset before hearing whistleblowers from the old Catholic, even Rabbinic and Occult Circles. It has bubbled up to whatever surface the last 30+ years. In the Baptist circles even since the 1800s! In the Lutheran countries, you probably know there has been an immense tear-down of everything Christian in the ever more liberal, Marxist state-churches for the last 200+ years and the missionary circles acting as a last resort, holdout "Alomo" of sorts turning so heywire conservative and beligerent it even lost its own members and kids.

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