Do you know that The Seven Day Adventists with Walter Veith & Amazing Discoveries revealed various links between the Grahams and the Vatican, Freemasons and what is called the Illuminati, all in kahoots with seriously dark satanic stuff, decades ago?

It amazes me how many of you Americans cannot even hear your own homegrown American critics when they sound such bells for ages now. The Baptist movement in USA grew side by side with the New Age Gnostic movements and the Spiritualists in the early 1800s and so on. (See the 1844 Baptist & Adventist themes versus the Fox sisters and Blavatsky types. It is VERY serious stuff from the 1800s+ USA, Europe and the Anglican church too.)

(Walter Veith & CO pointed out that what the Ellen G. White type was to the Baptist movement++ the Blavatsky type was to the Occult world.)

@Dreamsharer @sinbach I know that your post was directed to Eugene, but it is visible to all who follow you. Did I understand correctly that you think he is defending Graham's meeting with the Chinese delegation? It's quite the opposite. That's what the article, and the podcast episodes on this theme are about. It seems like you are reprimanding him, as you write "you Americans". I don't get it, since he's got more discernment than most Christians, and he can distinguish between true and false faith. That's why he supports the underground house church in China and elsewhere.


@tanjaostman @sinbach

3 - even US Presidents - who are also a part of various "clubs" of (actually, much higher-ups) since long before "America". Since before Luther and the Great Reformation in the 1500s. Seen the Woke movement lately? German Church Researcher Wolfgang Simson calls it "New New Age" and people in India etc are also rebuking this all over the place. So there is a very fine line to thread here.

Also old Asia missionary organizations and like the newer Asia Link here in Norway has DIRE WARNINGS about ACTUAL EVIL, ACTUAL SATANISM in OUR DAY AND AGE, it should be blatant, very very clear by now. It is felt very deeply in Asia too they say,

Now see this old post from Holistic.

These guys - more like UNDERSTAND the capabilities of SATANISM... it is crazy. It is genocide.

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