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Jerusalem has a special place in God's heart - Halleluiah!

...also, the diciples should wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit

Acts happened in Jerusalem & centered there for years

Paul's heart was heavy for Jerusalem, and went there even though he was warned

The Chinese christians (well before communism's reign, so it's older than that) got a vision about completing the circle arbound the earth Back To Jerusalem in the 18-1900s.

Many people have had special encounters with God and the supernatural in Jerusalem.
See OneForIsrael testimonies etc.

One sister of mine was blocked by an angel smiling, floating towards her as if "asking for some coffee" as a visitor to their Christian center HQ, and was spared from going into the streets where a colleague came running franticly from a suicide bomb gone off just up the streets there many years ago.

Also my father's tour group once were spared one similar blast, they felt the shock waves.

One For Israel video.

@holistic @sinbach

Getting more and more (less) 'professional' by the day, I see? Hmm.🤔

"EXCLUSIVE: They Lost Control Of The Nuclear Football, General Flynn Responds To SecDef Lloyd Austin AWOL Controversy"

We are in the middle of a coup and are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty

Several sources claim the defense minister Austin is dead in dubious circumstances - it's talked about many places.

Gnews: "Fauci to be grilled by Congress during marathon 7-hour sessions"

Gnews: "China accuses MI6 of recruiting foreign consultancy boss to spy"

Gnews: "Protests and strikes are happening among workers in various regions of Communist China"

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