

In light of your podcast with @bethany when I stumbled on this I thought of you

This is pretty distressing reading and very blunt - "Men will be absent from church by 2028 at the current rate" and the departure of men is, according to statistics anyway, "speeding up"

It states Mentioned that men are increasingly not applying to be priests/vicars/ministers etc

Church attendance in the UK has dropped by 50% since 1950, and "has become a place by women for women"

Also, that two thirds of the UK Christian populations do not attend a church.........

Those few quotes made me re-read them several times!


@Berrybunchfamily @sinbach @bethany there is good and bad news in that. Bad news, people arent hearing the word of God. Good news, organised religion is becoming irrelevant by the day, we need to go back to basics and have home based worship with no priests or pastors, led by the holy spirit. Separating sheep from goats remember.

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