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@raymondthebrave @b2e
If you get organic moringa which has high amounts of vit c, then you get magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese and so much more

We had a doctor in Denmark Stig Gerdes who found away to reverse hpv vaccine side effects by intravenous vitamin C, it help so many people, yet the medical board went against him to have his license removed

Yeah cause churches are not being singled out right.

Got so much respect for the churches that have decided not to cower.

Some churches Here in UK wants you to even sign up online before entry else not allowed access, no singing no anything just come sit down and shut up then leave

Register before arrival this sounds more what a communist regime you would do.

I really want to part of a local church,
But this. Are we as Christians that scared of death. That we are willing to become mindless robots.

This is heart breaking

With all this restrictions have we forgot what a church is.
They have fully removed the communal part out of what it means to be church. Come as a robot sit down shut up and leave when service is done.

If ravenhill,
Tozer, spurgeon. EM Bounds, even though all these great men warned us, yet we have done everything they warned if they only could see what had happened to the church they so loved

We’re preaching an acceptable Gospel today, making it as painless as we can. And all we do is give people a shot to put them to sleep so they get to hell quicker. We need some hellfire preaching on repentance" - Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill
No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere.

Through out history, the faithful preaching of the Gospel, not only transformed people, but because of the people transformed, nations were changed, laws where changed for the better economies flurished, moral values increased within nations. Hospitals were built by Christians, So what hapened?
Instead of us being the impact on our surroundings its the other way around,

Fantastic book for today's society. Looking back at those who have gone before us and their view of society, and how much the mentality amongst Christians have changed the last 100 years

@SarahTheBeloved @raymondthebrave
Most so called fresh fish around here is farm raised.
We do bake with gluten but its mainly from spelt and other ancient grains. Since im danish i grew up with the danish version of pumpernickle which doesnt have a lot of gluten,
When we do buy meat we try and get it from small local farms in the area.
But it can be difficult, if we operated more like a community then a couple of families could come together buy a whole ox and share, it would be cheaper + better

“Heaven is inherited by the violent. Our life is military. Christ is our Captain, the gospel is the banner, the graces are our spiritual artillery, heaven is only taken in a forcible way...combat and conquest.” Thomas Watson

I also believe we have fully neglected very basic things from God such as dietary, yes its not a law. But it is amazing when looking at studies that most unclean meats are toxic carriers,
But simple things as nutrients and vitamins, which God has created for our benefits to keep us healthy,
Which can help cure cancer, diabetes and so many other ailments people struggle with

But no most do not see supernatural healing as well

And so it happened, if your pastor tells you to take the vaccine and it is the loving thing to do, you run and you do not look back,

Thats amazing. All praise to a mighty craetor

We had one on a church chat promote it, while thinking it was not right and left the chat i didnt think much of it. Till one day my wife the little one and I were out walking all of a sudden people just streamed out of their houses thats when it dawned on me this is worship and churches are being caught up in it, and i wonder how many pastors never spoke out against it.

@raymondthebrave when my daughter was born we said no, fortunately there was no pushback, i do have the book dissolving illusions haven't had the chance to read it yet
My wife's uncle who is a doctor refuse to listen to any info even if it comes from other who have a higher degree and been in the field longer than he has, he simply will not accept any info that speaks against it. It truly is a religion

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