This is WILD!!! Type in your search engine and Joe Biden's Presidential site comes up.
No joke. Try it.


You're right! When I search Google using "" does go right to "" !!!
Isn't that something? Maybe they use the same campaign management?

@Jf_dream right? I thought it was a joke, but NOPE! also, i looked it up on fact checking website and snopes said, "Mostly True". - mostly true? it is COMPLETELY TRUE. this is why we cannot trust snopes to be honest - when fact-checkers need to be fact-checked.

@sinbach @Jf_dream I checked and a site said __A website called redirects straight to Joe Biden's presidential campaign website. Users on social media noticed that when one types in " ", you're redirected to Joe Biden's official campaign. someone else stated that it was a prank being pulled by some pranksters!!😂 😂 🤣 If I simply type in and try to search for it my computer bogs down.

@speakthetruth @Jf_dream the snopes article was dated August 12, which means it has been more than 2 weeks. that say to me that it is not a prank, but policy.


@sinbach @speakthetruth

It does seem strange, after this long a time, that it's been missed?
You'd think dnc or Google would have noticed and made changes?

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