10/40 is a window of 24x7 opportunities.
We don't have a place to run away from our daily challenges, except to the Cross ( pun not intended 😉).
So what do we do?
Our people are responding to the original crisis on a daily basis.
The best solution is bringing them to #Jesus Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
My friends are affected with 'itchy feet syndrome, which keeps us moving from place to place, sharing the Good News !
Thank you for your prayers.
@Backtojerusalem Father in Heaven I pray you bless and encourage and provide for the believers in India which are being attacked! I pray the attackers will experience God’s love thru the believers and many come to repentance and salvation! Father guide the congregations as to what to do!
Most of you already know the GateKeeper program, but some of you might not!
Sooo... if you want to join the fight and become an active supporter of the BTJ Missionaries please see the full info here (check out the great perks!):
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter praying for India
@Kruselady Manipur is in the North Eastern part of India. Bordering Myanmar and Bangladesh.
Their ethnic origin is different from the rest of India.
Tibetan/ Mongloid with relatives scattered in neighboring countries.
Thanks for your prayers.
#Manipur A thank you note of tears from the brothers and sisters of Manipur.
#BTJ was the first to send some financial help, while others were working on a 'safer way to provide assistance.
Our team member took the risk and used his personal account to provide food for severely affected families.
One of them a widow ,who was struggling to purchase some supplies for the family, cried over the phone, as she was emotionally overwhelmed by the unexpected help from us.
Now slowly help from International groups are reaching the borders. Under increased surveillance from the hostile Hindu government, all are finding it difficult to reach the center of calamity.
#BTJ found few loopholes and using it to stand with the persecuted Church.
Please continue to pray.
( pictures are from open source. Now in tears, in happier times they would have danced in their traditional dress, during these summer months, after the harvest).
A sad analysis; #Manipur #violence
The disputes over land and illegal immigration have been the primary root of tensions which have existed for decades.[6] According to conflict analyst Jaideep Saikia, rapid Christianization of the tribal population of Manipur has contributed to the socio-cultural gap amongst the two groups in the state.[15]
"Give believers of #Manipur their daily bread, please! Easy and free communication with those who are in relief camps and those who are wandering in the forest to escape mistreatment and false legal cases.
#Persecution #Manipur
This movie is not for the lighthearted.
#ethniccleansing #violence
A team to highlight the prayer needs of 10/40 Window Nations.