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Johanna boosted

While the world is consumed with the latest pandemic, the Chinese government are implementing schemes like this without so much as a news article.

Johanna boosted

@sinbach This is where I'll be training brand new workers for 2 days...Enjima village. Then run a 3 day crusade at another village next to it called Odogonu. A new pioneering work..

The biggest influencer of all time is Jesus Christ. Nothing compares to His power and love when he reaches out to people and He does not have to depend on the internet!

So thankful for everything good happening in the midst of this very unusual year! To quote my favourite pastor... "looking outside in the morning to see witch chapter of revelation we're doing today"😂😅

Johanna boosted

Chicago Mayor and Police Blocking Sean Feucht Let Us Worship!

Thankful for a new platform where you can be totally free!

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