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CMM Oasis and Council of Issachar Invite YOU to a special Online Gathering this Wednesday Dec 15th at 1:30PM EST 'Casting Our Cares At The Foot Of The Cross' and prophetic declarations and fellowship

Join Zoom Meeting

Bless a CMM family member day! (December 12) Print out the logo and hold it up while you are blessing someone take a photo and shares the love with us all!

A police officer called the station on his radio. "I have an interesting case here. An old lady just shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped."
"Have you arrested the woman?"
"Not yet. The floor is still wet."

Read the press release on this event for key prayer points for 2022.

WOW! We are blown away by all YOUR love, prayers and generous giving into our matching fund Christmas campaign to bless precious children of our frontline friends in many nations. Due to the pandemic, wars, and persecution many day laborers have been hurting. YOUR gift will bring a HUGE smile and touch the HEART in our CMM Global Family. We are very close to our goal of $25,000 for blessing Children, Orphans, Widows and newly Freed slaves. YOUR prayers and gifts give them such HOPE!

Rodrigo Granja from Ecuador-Joins CMM Family-Get to Know This Dear Brother! Rodrigo, from loves the Lord and walks in great favor and grace to fulfill by faith all the Lord has for him. Pray for and welcome this dear brother. Leave encouragement and prophetic words for Rodrigo in the comments below.

Melinda pours Love and the Word to victims of despicable human trafficking. Some of these precious women in this video were tied up like animals in chains, kept with donkeys until their owner wanted sex! You can help join with the Lord Jesus in setting captives free through CMM's efforts globally. Melinda is a graduate with several degrees from the CMM College of Theology. A big thank you to Tahir Saleem of RCCM, a long-term trusted brother and member of CMM. Many are healed in this video, watch until the end! We traveled to Germany a few years ago with Melinda and were so blessed to minister with her to refugees from war in Iraq and Syria. We are in a time of more slavery than any time in history. With wars and persecution spreading more are migrating than ever before as well. YOU can join with the Lord in spreading His love globally from right where you are!

Our eternal hope rests in Jesus Christ alone! Thank YOU for your prayers for our front line Ministers serving globally! Will YOU pray and ask the Lord what is the most sacrifical gift YOU can so together we can reach and win and disciple more souls into the Kingdom? YOUR prayers impact eternity!

David is an amazing young general in the Lord's appointed time, place and assignments. David impacts many in his nation with the Father's heart, flowing in love, revelation, and a burning passion for those the Lord connects with the fullness of His Joy!

CMM Is Freeing Slaves-Jesus Sets The Captives Free-CMM Freed More Slaves Than Ever Before During 2021

Join the momentum as the Lord builds His house through CMM. Thank you, Partners and Prayer Warriors for YOUR amazing hearts for the Lord and His passion. Become a Watchman, Gatekeeper, Valiant, Champion, Pillar, or Wallbuilder today! See lives changed through your seeds sown into the Great Harvest happening globally! Call us at 704-225-3927 or email to learn more. Finish your 2021 year strong by sowing into eternity through CMM, reaching many nations with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day

long— though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign LORD; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. 

Psalm 71:15-17

Sidney and Helen 'Mom' Correll were great visionaries laying the groundwork for CMM's passion for souls to continue on without missing a beat even during the pandemic and darkness. Our trusted friends already live there, knowing the culture and language to share the love of the one true God. The Kingdom of God is truly at hand and more are coming to the Lord everyday. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support of CMM, reaching the world for Christ.

A young man contemplating accepting Islam joins our podcast. During the podcast, I directly challenge the lies of Islam and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Listen how this young man reconsiders.
He later wrote to me, saying that he can NOT accept Islam based on this podcast

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