
I am HORRIFIED by this story out of Afghanistan! And I don't understand why God let this happen.
At the same time, perhaps He is sowing seed in the soil of this land. Perhaps the blood of His saints will bring forth a mighty Harvest.
In case they are still alive, please pray for these brothers and sisters and orphans to be safe.

@MaineStreams "Perhaps the blood of His saints will bring forth a mighty Harvest."
I was thinking that too. I think Sinobach mentioned the suffering and martyrdom of believers, local and missionaries, in the Boxer Rebellion, and the results, a few days ago. You can download a 1901 China Inland Mission book if you want to know more about it.
Continuing to pray for these folks. Whether they are still in this world or under the altar in white robes, I trust God is with them.

@MaineStreams “And I don't understand why God let this happen.”

Why? Read your Bible. The mere fact you are questioning God should concern you.

Yes, it’s a horrific event… but God should not be questioned here.

@MaineStreams I can't imagine the pain and anger to watch all those ppl turned over to the enemy. The horror for those being turned over, to go from nervous happiness to the feeling of terror in the gut. I believe Jesus stood with all of them but what an tragic thing to endure. My heart cries for the return of Christ and yet marches onward for the lost souls. Satan needs to go to hell with his demons alone - without one person in his evil hands.

@MaryMamuzich @MaineStreams amen sister. I say come quickly Lord, but when I see the people around me so lost I cry for them.

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