Is it wrong for a Christian to get a tattoo?

@bethany Super interesting, I expected there to be more of a lean towards tattoos being evil. I would never have expected it to be so close.

@StevenBerry I actually wasn't sure which way it would lean, but I'm with you in that I thought there would be a strong majority. Who knew! I guess it's a divided subject

@bethany @StevenBerry I am blown away that people do not like tatoos that much that they consider it to be a Biblical issue. I personally do not have any tats (yet) but that is because I am not a fan and they cost money. when i grow old and fat, I might get a few just to give myself something else to look at in the mirror besides my out of shape potato shaped body.


@sinbach @bethany @StevenBerry LOL!!! So... how many tats will that take? 🤷
I don't have any and never will.... Or maybe when I get old & fat I'll get one - a big bowl of jello on my tummy.

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