@sinbach Dr. Seuss speaks my language! ❤️
I'm so sad for this backward world. I pray for Joe Biden.
@MaryMamuzich for the record, my wife asked me to remove or change my post because she really feels that repeating the vulgarity of Cardi B reflects poorly on me. I assured her that I DIDN'T repeat the vulgarity. The name of her song is actually wet a** p***y and she repeats it almost every stanza. those words are not just in her song - it is the NAME of her song. I peronally think it is important to point these things out, with shocking clarity, when our leaders virtue signal.
@sinbach well, as a wife..
it's best to take her advise 🤣 Always.
I'm just so sad about the direction of our country and our leaders. God is in control our faith is in him.
As for you.... I at times have to side with Bethany! 🤣 All is well, my friend & brother.
@MaryMamuzich def a very wise move siding with Bethany.
@bethany so much to learn my young padawan. 😁
@sinbach you just wait... I'm coming for that ninja status
@MaryMamuzich See, this is why you're my favourite Mary 😂
You hear that @sinbach ? I'll be waiting...🦋