PLEASE pray for me for healing, give me some good advice or pray that I find a holistic practitioner that’s not into the occult. I am over all healthy and have never been on regular medication. BUT the last few years I have had hormonal migraine from hell. The last few months it’s been more frequent than ever. The pain is so intense that I cry and count the seconds. Sometimes I throw up 2-20 times/day. When I don’t have migraine, I am doing well. The doctors prescribe only painkillers (not help with the root cause), that mostly don’t help. I have found a nose spray that costs 15 euros/dose. It helps, and makes me drugged. I don’t want to poison my body. I have struggled in life, but now I just want to do so much – not laying in bed for a day or two. I believe in supernatural healing, and have seen it. But so far I’ve never received quick solutions from the Lord – he is teaching me about the roots, not just cutting of branches. But this lesson is already learned. I'm so tired of it.


@tanjaostman I'm sorry you are having headaches! I will be praying for you. Migraines are so overpowering but we worship a God who is all powerful - all loving.
He created you... So He knows exactly what the problem is and can heal you through His touch or will guide you to the answer. I'm praying

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