
PLEASE pray for me for healing, give me some good advice or pray that I find a holistic practitioner that’s not into the occult. I am over all healthy and have never been on regular medication. BUT the last few years I have had hormonal migraine from hell. The last few months it’s been more frequent than ever. The pain is so intense that I cry and count the seconds. Sometimes I throw up 2-20 times/day. When I don’t have migraine, I am doing well. The doctors prescribe only painkillers (not help with the root cause), that mostly don’t help. I have found a nose spray that costs 15 euros/dose. It helps, and makes me drugged. I don’t want to poison my body. I have struggled in life, but now I just want to do so much – not laying in bed for a day or two. I believe in supernatural healing, and have seen it. But so far I’ve never received quick solutions from the Lord – he is teaching me about the roots, not just cutting of branches. But this lesson is already learned. I'm so tired of it.

@tanjaostman praying for you for I know exactly what you’re going through...same thing, hormonal migraines, only thing I take is Imitrex at the onset and it does help. Otherwise, doing it the “change” cold turkey. Eliminating ALL sugars, at your pace, works wonders through this. PM me if you’d like to talk. In the meantime, praying for you. You can get through this w/o losing your mind and peace. Blessings

@biblexplorer thank you so much for your response! ❤️ I assume you are female... don't see any information about you. 🙂 Good to know about the sugar... I've had a very strict diet the last 4 weeks, but it encourages me to continue as you say that. Suppose it taken a couple of months for the body to eliminate toxins. Thank for the offer to talk to you! Blessings!

@tanjaostman lol, I am a 58 yrs young woman gracefully and with much prayer, navigating this. You got this!! 😎

@tanjaostman I can definitely relate. In fact, I asked for prayer on here some time back for the same thing. My healing hasn't been immediate, but I've seen drastic improvement. The Lord led me to some supplements that seem to be helping and He's also been speaking to me about faith and His Word.
This is the first in a series of articles about healing. I found the series helpful and different than many teachings I've heard or read in the past. He addresses questions and objections I've had about some of these teachings.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 wow, thank you for taking the time to reply! It's encouraging to hear that you see improvements. I clicked the link, skimmed it through... interesting indeed. Will read it more thoroughly when I am not tired... it's 10 pm where I live.

@tanjaostman Yes. It's long, but it definitely spoke to me. The author had posted it on Ding Dash when it was first posted to the website. I'm not sure what his username is to give him credit, but maybe I can find it. I can so relate with your situation as that's been my experience the past few years... healthy overall, but excruciatingly painful and debilitating hormonal migraine. But, there is certainly hope. I agree totally with your sentiments about wanting to address the root and not just the symptoms and wanting real help rather than something that could cause other issues to your overall health.

@tanjaostman It's @ChrisHarrison
I just found his account. Thanks again, Chris Harrison, for the series!

@tanjaostman Here is another that I'm using in combination with the Tuliv supplements.

I also take a magnesium supplement and vitamin B-2. I also try to eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I don't do this perfectly, but I keep pressing forward and looking to Jesus. I will pray for you and know that God cares and will show you what to do.

Dear Father God, on this Lord's day we remember Your Son
entering Jerusalem before His Crucifixion - what a work of salvation for us all! Through Him you brought healing to us all fir our sins and continue healing today through Your Holy Spirit. Dear Father we pray for our sister Tanja, that You would heal here headaches. Give her relief and peace from the pain, guide her to a proper diagnosis and treatment of her condition. This we pray in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, Amen. @tanjaostman

@TakeN thanks for the prayers! I appreciate it. 🙏

@tanjaostman tanga keep hydrated, choline is a good supplement for headaches and migraines . Hot and cold water change it every 30 seconds in the shower . Also would advise to do a hormonal test , it could be a hormonal imbalance and they need to be balanced . I have been there and I understand how you feel . Migraines are devastating and nobody will understand unless they had experienced. Also watch your diet , cheese , chocolate , wine or certain spices might trigger migraines . Some people believe coffee can cause it too in my case coffee works great ! I pray that you find the correct holistic person to help you and also God puts his supernatural hand over your body

@Debbie Thank you Debbie for taking the time to give good advice and your prayers! I so much appreciate it! I hadn’t heard about choline. Yes, hot and cold water change is great for the immune system and mood as well. I use to do that! I need to find someone who offers good hormonal tests, because medical doctors don’t do them here. I don’t know the reason why.

@tanjaostman I'm sorry you are having headaches! I will be praying for you. Migraines are so overpowering but we worship a God who is all powerful - all loving.
He created you... So He knows exactly what the problem is and can heal you through His touch or will guide you to the answer. I'm praying

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