@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter thank you for sharing!
My life is in a peaceful area... I've not traveled anywhere that life does not look pretty much like my own.
Sometimes, I wonder how God can use such a person as myself who knows so little about the lives of so many. I've suffered trials in life but I have freedom.
I'm grateful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer.
@Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady Thank you for being part of this journey.
The testimony of somebody getting a prophetic dream 1 year prior to the actual event had blown me away.
Fearfully continuing the journey knowing the steps we are taking are ordered by the Lord! Don't want to miss the guidance from above.
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady
Amen!! It's amazing when you read things as this in the Bible but seeing it in your own life is thrilling!!
The Lord will guide and protect you and the team. His desire for his word to go out and your willingness to be a hard working faithful servant is a team that can't fail.
God will hide you safely in his arms.
I'm always praying!
I'm so many miles away but my heart is with you all
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich amen. That is one thing I pray especially for children, that God would visit then in their dreams and to give them good dreams of Him
@MaryMamuzich @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Yes, thank you for the prayer requests and updates. What a blessing to have the Holy Spirit to guide in prayer and in life.