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@daniel Awesome!! Praise God!! She's been on my mind, heart and prayers, nonstop!!! Thank you for the updates plz keep them coming. Heidi has stolen my ❤️!! I believe she will soon be chattering happily.

@farmerjohn @daniel did you read the update that told us she spoke a few words for the first time? Made me cry!

@daniel I've been praying 2 days straight for this surgery!! Plz keep us posted! She is just as adorable as I pictured her to be!

With Him Ministries=Please be in prayer for Turkish North Cyprus Christians. You have heard from us before about how the gospel is growing there.
But today the government has arrested several local Christian leaders and pastors and are interrogating them. Some non TC pastors are being deported. An American missionary is now in prison there. The new TC pastor we pray for has not been taken in yet. Please pray for believers in North Cyprus in the hour of testing.

God is able to finish the work He has started in North Cyprus in spite of the government!
Maurice and Roslyn

@sinbach 🤣 well, then I wish I knew all those languages so I could laugh too 🤣
Seriously, my brain just won't go past English other than names of food... Taco, burrito,....

@Fisherman the power is there for those that believe. Praise God 🙏

@Fisherman oh my goodness!! Praise be to God 🙏 He carries us through the hardest times and gives us the ability to sing His praise while hurting. Thank you, Lord for living in us.

@Fisherman a beautiful testimony to Jesus. The Holy Spirit tell us to believe - to trust!

@sinbach you must be able to sleep on command! You are constantly in different time zones! I watch in wonder how the Lord will unfold His plan with this craziness.

@daniel tearing up with you! Everything in me knows He will keep a mighty healing hand on your sweet baby girl. I know you teach her about His love and she will live and grow in Christ. I will continue to pray (and praise) for Heidi.
Jesus, plz break through all obstructions of language, motor skills, and understanding. Lord may you be glorified in the life of our little Heidi - a witness to all around her; a path to salvation to those who do not know you. In the name of Jesus -the one true God. Amen.

This is a 30 day devotional like none other.
Starting next week on Chinese New Year.

@alcade she will remember this forever! Too funny!! Kids are so precious ❣️

@KuzaanClarien the God of all healing is with her; she is not alone. I know I'd hate to be separated from my mom in such a time! I'm sorry. I will be praying.

@Fisherman May the power that conquers all evil rest upon the fish!

@sinbach ..... I stumble with English🤣🤣 you impress me.

@daniel @Asianking each time I woke up last night she was first in mind. I know with every fiber in me that Jesus can do amazing healing and natural growth in Heidi's timing. Throw away the charts of humans and let's watch the hand of God work. What a testimony she will be for those who don't believe Jesus is real!

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