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Day 12 of prayer for North Korea! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

β€œTears streamed down her face and she called out to the Lord to save her. She is now a true believer in North Korea!”

Read another amazing testimony here:

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Watch "LET US WORSHIP - Fox&Friends Interview - Sean Feucht - Hold the Line" on YouTube

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"LET US WORSHIP - Sean Feucht - Portland, OR" on YouTube
GOD IS SO AWESOME! Do you see any
problems between the races, sexes no
one burning down cities, attacking the cops,
slashing tires or hating on people?
JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. JESUS came that you might have LIFE and have it more abundantly! Praise God for using the insanity of tyrannical leaders to drive us followers of Christ from the church pews and out in the light
where the lost are!

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Day 14 of prayer for North Korea! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

"I will never forget my first time going into North Korea. After only a day or two, I realized why God had put me through so much training in China for this day"

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β€œWe believe that God is awakening every Christian to live as Jesus lived. It may look different for each believer, but every Christian is called to share the love of Jesus with the world. β€œ

Download the United Hive app and get connected with other Christians. Head to

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As you meet with other believers at church today, or join your church's online service, please remember to pray for North Korea πŸ™πŸΌ

You can find Day 6 here:

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β€œDo not be satisfied with Gods calling or His gifts in your life. Be satisfied with Jesus Christ Himself.” -Bro Yun

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Here are some of my paintings, inspired by The Lord!
(c) Patricia Bollinger 2020, Oil Paintings,

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