@Olamide Very interesting topic! I've experienced situations where there can be a feeling of "friendlessness" and yet so many ways to "serve", so many events to attend, and so much money to contribute. And yes, friendliness is not the same as true friendship. However, I don't feel right to sit back and to criticize or complain. I'm wondering how I can make a difference. My local group has so many good qualities, but I still feel something is missing in this area. Is it my own insecurities? Is it the environment where everyone needs to appear to have it all together? I've had times where I opened up and then felt awkward, judged, or misunderstood. Maybe I then felt less safe in being open and real? Maybe I need to get over my own fear of being misunderstood and be a leader in the area of authenticity? I do strive to be genuine in life, as a friend, and as a child of God. I also want to grow as a true "listener". I can't be everyone's close friend, but I want to be a true friend.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Olamide thanks for sharing this article - I loved it!! Spot on!Thanks @Cherishingsparrows2020 for sharing your experiences and thoughts! I agree and recognize what you're sharing. ❤️ Quote: "But many of us know that our really good friendships emerged not by being on a committee with someone, or even attending a Bible study group with them. Friendships are often forged in the conversations that occur when we’re ‘playing’ together. Hanging out, attending parties, camping, hiking, picnicking, goofing off — these are the occasions where people let their guards down and share more deeply."

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