Is there ANY better day to listen to The Champion?? 🙌🏼
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

@bethany Dear Sister...have a Super Easter!!!!
Happy happy Easter!!!

@Olamide @bethany I love it! I was thinking yesterday about the countdown from ten in that song which came out around the time God made me alive in Christ. (Out of Carman’s other songs, saved, delivered and healed has great lyrics but isn’t as good of a song, in my opinion.)


@Jhayward Dear dear Brother.... happy happy Easter!!!!!
How do you spend your Easter?

@Olamide having some time alone with God (and 2 Corinthians), out for a run, headed to local church with the family, then we will see. My youngest heads back to school tomorrow. How about you? Happy Easter!

@Jhayward Using the day as an excuse to Praise God again and again...and love up on my Loved ones....
I am very Happy about what Father God did for us ..really...

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