Jab ‘The Greatest Regret Of My Life’ Says #DanBongino
#FreeDrGold 🇺🇸
Throwback for Father's Day weekend... This one's especially for those whose hearts hurt on Father's Day. You are loved! 💕 https://theovercomers.blog/2020/09/04/oh-father-where-art-thou/
I was studying about the woman with the spirit of infirmity for 18 years and I saw the sad picture of many women in marriage. These women have been bruised, abused, and battered by their beastly husbands. As a result, they're now bowed and broken and unable to look up.
Emotionally broken and can't look up
Mentally broken and can't look up
Psychologically broken and can't look up
Spiritually broken and can't look up.
Though these women have lots of potentials in them, but the accidents of a failed marriage have broken them down.
The first thing Jesus did to the woman was to call her to His side - Relationship with Jesus. The first and greatest healing that every bowed and broken woman needs is to have an intimate relationship with Jesus.
Lady, get out of your seat of sorrow, sin, shame, depression, and regrets, and go and stand on the Lord's side of love. Jesus loves the woman. Hallelujah!
Praise God for Jesus's, anyone who calls upon him in true repentance will be saved, like the thief on the cross, beautiful words Jesus's spoke to him, today you will be with me in paradise, Luke 23v43 and praise God for the hardened centurion who also believed, Gods arm is not short, that he can not save Isaiah 59v1.God bless you all.
Please pray for Dr. Zelenko
😯 China rounds up thousands of people, marches them down the streets, loads them on busses, and locks them up in 'quarantine camps."
WATCH: Oregon student says biological males take advantage of inclusive bathroom policy to prey on girls
No more remorse to 'The Community' with their pride flag! The are defilers & pedos!
A friend posted this earlier. USA wanting to cede sovereignty to WHO. Christians need to speak up and pray! https://ifapray.org/blog/biden-plans-to-cede-u-s-health-authority-to-who/
Tucker: This is about attacking Christianity
Lover of Jesus. Wife to Gabriel. Blogger @ theovercomers.blog