HELP!!! Prayer Warriors!
My daughter is pregnant with her 3rd child. She is due in May... BUT she has Placenta Accreta; a serious condition where the placenta grows deeply into the wall of the uterus. In about a month, Lisa, my daughter, will travel 10 hours with her little family to Salt Lake City. She needs to spend a month under the watchful eye of the doctors. The precious baby will be delivered early April at 32 weeks (40 weeks is full term)
I know our Jesus can move mountains! I ask myself how I can know in my heart the power of God ...but lay awake thinking... Tossing in prayer.......
Biden will continue to send our tax money to the WUHAN lab that created C O V I D through 2024?
People are tired of Big Tech censorship! Would you believe these Giants are about to fall? There's a mass exodus taking place right now. Twitter and Facebook's days are numbered. Read this post to find out what God showed me and what action we can take to move forward into a new place of victory! Shout out to DingDash!
Would you pray for my son? He has Asperger's and is easily influenced. He's off to college and wrestling with what he really believes spiritually. Even though he's at a "christian" college, there's no biblical feeding happening and instead, he was introduced to D&D groups (which, in my opinion, is witchcraft). He looks lost in his eyes and sad. He must walk this road and decide to choose Jesus while out on his own. It must be HIS relationship. His passion and choice. I know the promise God gave me for him: that his life was to be dedicated to God and he is a kingdom warrior! It will happen but I'm praying he doesn't take the long, hard road. Please pray that he chooses to remove himself from these D&D games and instead find other students who are a godly influence. Pray that he would encounter Jesus in a very real, personal way. Thank you. β€οΈ
"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised thingsβand the things that are notβto nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him." -1 Corinthians 1:27-29 β€
@Overcomer @messenjahofchrist Dear God in heaven please continue to expose until every last one of these vile people is accounted for!
Lover of Jesus. Wife to Gabriel. Blogger @