How to download ALL OF YOUR FACEBOOK pictures and videos in less than 2 minutes.
If you are closing your Facebook Account or preparing for a day when you might be locked out - here is how to save all of those precious memories.

I will be removing my Twitter account LIVE tomorrow.
I know I will not be the first.
I know that I will not be the last.

I want to let everyone here know how much I appreciate you all, and I'm working my tail off to bring you each day's Situation Update podcast. These will continue until we secure a Trump victory, which might be very soon (in a matter of days). Keep up all the effort, and keep spreading the truth! WE WILL WIN!

Charles Finney 1792-1875

Every Christian makes an impression by his conduct, and witnesses for one side or the other...
At every step you tread on chords that will vibrate to all eternity. Every time you move, you touch keys whose sound will reecho all over the hills and dales of heaven, and through all the dark caverns and vaults of hell. Every movement of your lives, you are exerting a tremendous influence that will tell on the immortal interests of souls all around you

Tictok tried to download on my phone and I forced stopped it and uninstalled it. I looked on the app information and apparently it can download without my permission. I'm no tech but something is not right.

Hell-fire or Holy-Fire
Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)

“People seem to forget that there is no door out of Hell. If they enter there, they must remain there age after age. Millions on millions of years will roll on, but there is no door, no escape out of Hell.
May God wake you up and make you anxious about your soul. People talk about our being earnest and fanatical about our being on fire. Would to God the church were on fire! This world would soon shake to its foundation. May God wake up a...”

Lord may we never stray but remain in Christ. I pray for my brother's and sisters WORLDWIDE. Keep us by your grace. 2Peter 2:19-21

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! #wikileaks just DUMPED all of their files online!! Hillary's emails, McCains guilty, Vegas shooting done by FBI sniper, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic.
🧐 👍 😀
Read & pass on…!

Smith Wigglesworth 1859-1947

"Now gifts of healings, miracles, are identical with what God’s word says. It is not what we think, it is not how we feel; it is what God’s word says. Dare you believe it? Jesus speaking expressly to the 70 who went out and came back saying what wonderful things had happened, said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today we pray for Pakistan. Pakistan holds a special place in the heart of BTJ. It is the nation where the first BTJ missionaries were martyred.

Join together with us as we pray for Pakistan and for the missionaries who continue to faithfully serve there.

Day 9:


“Some doors should never be opened…ever! It’s very evident today that millions are opening these gateways…or at least answering the knocks of the old blood lusting dark powers. Please also realize that the Biblical predictions of the unprecedented rise and manifestation of demonic powers in the last days correspond to the spirit inspired books that have been written, the hidden rituals that are done, the old and new gateways that...”

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a lamentation for the people of Somalia.

"In Somalia, children are starving, people are suffering, and the nation is constantly fighting against famine."

Join us in praying below:

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