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In case we ever doubt God's astounding and amazing ability to be perfect in all of his ways and his timing and the manifestation of his plan.

This morning as I was waking up I saw a vision of a lion roaring. I simply said thank You Lord that you are the King and the Lion of Judah that roars over your children in power!

Then in my Bible I happened to be reading in 1Peter 5:8-9...

Be sober be vigilant because you're adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

Whom RESIST steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are experienced by your brethren that are in the world.

The Lord immediately spoke to my heart showing me that the enemy walks around AS a roaring lion. But he is NOT The Lion!! He is nothing more than a mocker, a pretender, a liar and he is counterfeiting the roar of the Lion of Judah, our 👑 King!

May we continually resist steadfast in the faith and not give in to any of the devil's false roars. He is without authority and must bow to the Spirit, Presence, and Power of the Lord God in us!

Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)

“...Need we hide in the darkness, consulting with mediums, who profess to call up the spirits of the dead?
Do you know what the Word of God pronounces against that fearful sin? I believe it is one of the greatest sins we have to contend with at the present day. It is dishonoring to the
Holy Spirit for me to go and summon up the dead and confer with them, even if it were possible.”

Lovely article by my friend, Sarah about her journey with the Lord to genuine freedom ❤️

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963)

...The philosophy behind this whole thing is that religious beliefs are matters of personal choice, and that the Lord adapts His saving truth to the individual, varying it according to the cultural background, educational level and social situation of each one. Whatever this is, it is not Christianity.

John L Cooper:
"Make pastors uncool again."

Cooper believes the trend of “hip” and “relevant” pastors points to a very dangerous shift in orthodoxy the Church has taken lately.

All this talk about vaccines....If you're over 40 you may have noticed you don't see kids with chicken pox much anymore. That's because they vaccinate them (or give them the herpes simplex virus) when they are babies. This is bad. One reason this is bad is because it makes older people more at risk for getting Shingles. They are more likely to get Shingles because their immunity against the H.S. Virus has been waning for years because of the abnormal lack of the virus which people used to be....

"A fetus was the first to rejoice at the news of Jesus."
-Man Up God's Way

Please pray for the church in Sweden... fear of man seems to be bigger than the fear of God. We are only worshiping in our homes alone these days. I miss coming together in a churchbuilding with my brothers and sisters🙏💕

UK is near the end of national lockdown part 2, ending 2nd Dec - but our city goes into local lockdown teir 3 immediately, so we will still be in lockdown. I know the UK has been so comfortable for so long compared to the troubles our brothers and sisters face all over the world, but It's crazy to see this country come under such control and so quickly!!😮

Smith Wigglesworth (1859 - 1947)

“So many are tampering with drugs, quacks, pills and plasters. Clear them all out and believe God. It is sufficient to believe God. You will find that if you dare trust Him, He will never fail. "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the LORD shall raise him up." Do you trust Him? He is worthy to be trusted.”

Heaven doesn’t reward complacency. 
Hardships often sift our soul - and the loss of our false selves often restores the true. 

I actually had to stop following some people on here because they posted so much politically that I never saw the post from the missionaries and the prayer warriors that I wanted to see. I don't mind the conversation about what's really going on behind the scenes in politics but sometimes it gets too much.

4300!? 😳 Wow!!!! With ding – being associated with the underground Church it is a bit more focused on the Lord in this platform. It's a refreshing break from the self-idolization that's all over social media.

World media has never talked more about human rights yet social media continues to control how people voice those rights. All the while these platforms share users personal information for their own gain!

This is why we are continually seeing people, from all over the world, making DingDash their social media home!

Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant.
Then it tries to silence the good.

this morning as we attend Sunday worship service, let's remember the 10s of thousands of children in Yemen that are dying. According the UN, this is the worst humanitarian disaster on the planet and Yemen is on the cusp of losing an ENTIRE GENERATION of children. LET US - THE CHURCH - BE A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS.

Welcome to of my favorite places to be ❤️❤️❤️

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