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I am a skilled, self-taught Graphic Designer with over 15+ years of Adobe Photoshop experience.

Prayer request from Aamir Rafiq,
Dear family in Christ we need your prayers for sister Chanda. She is a great believer and in my church choir . Her liver is not working, bone Mero is not making blood and internal bleeding is not stopping. Her HB is again 1.5.
She is our prayers as well as financial help. If anyone can help they can contact me or donate on our website below.
Many blessings.

The course that the makers of The Chosen have chosen to take is exactly why Jesus groaned within Himself when he came to the grave of Lazares. We see Jesus specifically waiting in Lazares' case for a greater miracle and we must believe that there is a greater plan, but to tell Little James that he will not be healed until he get's to heaven 🤮. That is not my Jesus. Jesus heals. He gave the example of the woman who kept bothering the unrighteous judge and told us that we should be like that woman but he also said that the Father in heaven is not like that judge, He knows how to give good gifts to His servants. Never, Never, Never let the devil convince you that Jesus will not heal you.

We saw The Chosen season 3 episodes 1 & 2 last night in the theater. I was so disappointed with this one scene where Little James wasn't healed. Jesus told him that he would have to wait till he got to heaven to be healed. Jesus would never say this to anyone. There are only 2 instances where Jesus doesn't heal.
1. People don't believe so they don't ask. If they would only ask He would heal them.
2. It isn't His time yet. In the case of the blind man Jesus said that he was born blind so that the glory of God could be manifest in him. In that specific case it couldn't happen until the time was right.

The Chosen
In Season 3 Episode 2
Jesus tells Little James
that he is not going
to heal him until he dies
and goes to heaven.
The New Testament is clear that Jesus healed all who came to Him for healing. He never turned anyone away.

The Chosen
Season 2 Episode 6
Jesus says to Mary Magdalene:
"Did you really think you would never struggle or sin again?"
But in John 8:11 & 36 Jesus said,
"Go, and sin no more." &
"If the Son therefore shall make you free (from sin), ye shall be free indeed."

Torben Sondergaards latest letter from jail, addressed to the body of Christ. This is very encouraging! 🙏

The History of the Waldenses by J.A. Wylie

The Waldenses, also known as the Waldnesians or Vaudois, were a Christian movement of the later Middle Ages who lived in the Swiss Alps.
During the 12th century and onwards, the Waldenses were persecuted as heretics and endured near annihilation throughout the centuries. They were outlawed, hunted, tortured, murdered, and hated by the ruling Roman Catholic Church, because they lived by the Truth of God’s Word and did not ‘bow the knee’ to the traditions and laws of men. They kept the light of Christ burning amid the Darkness of the Middle Ages.

312 pages

Help others and find the help you need! Offer a service using my link —> to start with 50 credits which can be exchanged for any service on Simbi — the world’s largest non-profit mutual aid network!

Looking for Remote work.
I like to collect Data, Manage Spreadsheets & do Graphic Design. Message Me.

Could you do me a really big favor and get this out to as many groups as you can. It is not right what has happened to Torben Sondergaard.

Praise God!
I just recently got on Simbi again.
I am offering Prayer and requesting Hard Bible Questions.

I have had lots of opportunities to share the Gospel and I just got on the leader board 😲

Here is my link:

I just got a copy of the latest public domain book that I republished and I wanted to highly recommend it:


79 pages | $4.00

HELLO David's Mighty Men NFT fans!
Because of Labor Day I've decided to wait until September 6th, 2022 to INCREASE the MINT price of the David's Mighty Men NFTs to 3 MATIC.
Until then you can MINT for just 2 MATIC at:

(Romans 6:3-7 KJV)
"Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin."

Are you Free From Sin?

It is what Jesus came to do. See Matthew 1:21 & John 8:34-36
God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to die for you so that you can be Born Again of Water & the Holy Spirit.
Why do you tarry?
Repent & Be Baptized calling on the name of Jesus Christ for the Remission of your Sins & you shall receive the Holy Spirit as it says in Acts 2:38

Uh oh! a new package arrived with our latest BTJ hackers Bible!!!!
move over hologram Bible....this is a game changer. 🥸

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