Urgent. Pray right away. I (mom) woke up to find Joshua laying beside me - in the middle of a seizure. His don’t shake. Instead he loses body control and can’t move or talk and his heart races etc. so they are basically silent with zero movement. And dangerous because of his type. Christina rushed to take over care of him while I went and mixed the emergency meds. Time is important.
We have given him his emergency medication. And see some small improvement already. But please pray if you see this.🥺🥺🥺🥺
I design custom T-shirts etc.
Let me know if you have something that you would like made into a T-shirt, ball cap, or other item.
Check out my latest design.
And... we've reached our final day!
"Then I heard the voice of the Father. When I was tied up and tortured, His voice gave me strength. When I was hungry and laying on the cold concrete floor, His love brought me warmth. The words of the Father brought me hope."
DAY 29 - Sister Jing
"The government may have killed my father and my grandfather. They may have tortured their families, but they could not kill the vision!"
DAY 28 - today is a must read!
The BTJ training schools are not typical missionary training centers... Ruth did not know it, but she was going to be subjected to interrogation by a former US Marine.
DAY 27 - Sister Li
Sister Li sacrificed everything to follow the call of God to Tibet. Because of her sacrifice, many came to know Christ in the most unreached areas of China.
DAY 26 - Sister An
"When my leadership told me that it was time to go, I was put on an airplane and sent out. I didn't know where I was going or what I would be doing.”
DAY 25 - Sister Grace He
Sister Grace, one of the original carriers of the BTJ vision decades ago, shares her personal testimony.
“You don’t need miracles in the West. You have insurance. You have insurance for your car, your house, and your health, and many Christians view Jesus as just another insurance plan. You don’t want to go to hell so you get ‘Jesus insurance’ and just acknowledge Him enough to get into heaven.” -Brother Yun
Amen. Sadly people don't realize that
"A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."
-Jesus (Matthew 7:18-19)
Just believing in Jesus is not insurance from Hell fire. Unless one is Born Again they will continue to be a slave to Sin and a slave does not abide in the house of God forever, But he who is born of God CANNOT Sin for the Spirit of God keeps the commands of God. And they who are joined to God are One spirit. John 3, John 8:31-36, 1 John 3, Ezekiel 36:25-27, Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 6:17
#FreedomFromSin Blessings
DAY 24 - Brother Yun
"You don’t need miracles in the West. You have insurance. You have insurance for your car, your house, and your health. So many Christians view Jesus as just another insurance plan."
DAY 23 - Pastor Joshua
"People are looking for answers and asking why China is having a revival when they are not. The answer is very simple. The leadership in China is fervently seeking after God in prayer."
DAY 22 - Brother Jacob
"I looked at each person individually, and while I was still in the spirit of prayer I asked them: “Are you willing to give everything to Him?"
DAY 21 - Pastor Zhang Rongliang
"Zhang, you must live and die with that Bible. No matter what, you must not allow them to take it from you".
DAY 19 - Persecution
Little Joe shares about the reality of suffering for the sake of the Gospel. Today, may we remember our brothers and sisters around the world who have given all for Christ.
DAY 18 - China's Songbird
God took a young peasant girl who couldn't even read music, and led her to write more than one thousand Chinese worship songs. If you walk into any underground church in China you will, without a doubt, hear the songs of Xiao Min.
Happy Sunday! 🙏🏼
DAY 17 - Mai Fu Ren, known as the Bible man: a man who served thirty years in prison for his commitment to get the Word of God into the hands of as many Chinese believers as possible.
DAY 16 - Missionary Silas
Silas shares about life as a missionary in Tibet-
"Simple things like water and electricity are an answer to prayer for us, but God has never failed us. He continues to show us that He is walking together with us."
DAY 15 - Pastor Mary
Pastor Mary shares how the devastating earthquake in 2008 opened a door for sharing the Gospel.
DAY 14 - Brother "Z"
"By sharing Jesus with the people in Egypt, we were able to see prisoners of Islam set free.”
I'm a Minister & Born Again Disciple of Jesus Christ.
As a son of God, my Mission is to Destroy the works of the Devil (1 John 3:1 & 8, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6). I proclaim the Good News of #FreedomFromSin through my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:21).
I am also a skilled, self-taught Graphic Designer with over 15+ years of Adobe Photoshop experience. https://scwatchman.space/