

Urgent. Pray right away. I (mom) woke up to find Joshua laying beside me - in the middle of a seizure. His don’t shake. Instead he loses body control and can’t move or talk and his heart races etc. so they are basically silent with zero movement. And dangerous because of his type. Christina rushed to take over care of him while I went and mixed the emergency meds. Time is important.

We have given him his emergency medication. And see some small improvement already. But please pray if you see this.🥺🥺🥺🥺

@Williams_girl Thank you! He is indeed preciousl Someone asked recently if he is harder to love because of his brain damage, and I answered "no it just gives us extra ways to learn to help and bless him" but it IS harder on our hearts when he is hurting or suffering. It IS harder when I do not have the ability to help him more such as speech therapy, foot surgery which he needs etc.....

@weavers4jesus my daughter (38years old) used to have seizures when she was around 6years old. She was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 3 times!!! Unknown to us she grew without the natural curve in her neck which restricted the blood flow to her brain. My chiropractor was able to fix her neck and she grew up perfectly healthy.
But I know the helpless/ heartache of watching your child go through a seizure! I truly am sorry and I am praying!

@MaryMamuzich yes you would understand. Thank you for being kind and caring. It’s helps us not feel so alone

@weavers4jesus IN Jesus's name all seizures go from Joshua NOW & FOREVER. Satan the LORD rebukes you. Joshua is loosed and every curse on his genetics is bound and cast out and every sin be forgiven. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Thy will be done Father, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

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