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Hello, Friends of ProLifeBank (Proposed),
Thank you again for your interest in ProLifeBank (Proposed)!

We are excited to share this announcement with you, and please feel free to share it with like-minded friends.

I think everyone agrees; we want this bank to open “yesterday”! But we also know God’s timing is perfect. We feel we are moving at warp-speed, and God is in it all, every step of the way!

So, be encouraged by this announcement. Progress is happening fast. Thank you for your continued prayers.

All for God’s glory,

Nick and Betsy

Nazarene/Christian Flag. This tshirt is Illegal in much of the world.

This is the symbol of the Nazarenes (Matthew 2:23) Or what Christians were called before they were called Christian's (Acts 11:26)

Arabic letter "n," which is pronounced "noon" and stands for Nazarene or Nasrani, the Arabic word for Christian.

Islamic terrorists painted this symbol on Christian homes and businesses to cause fear and terror and many Christians fled but some stood their ground and Christians in the west have adopted this symbol as a sign of honor and loyalty to Jesus even as the early church adopted the name "Christian" which was originally meant to be an insult to Christians.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

This Sunday we want to thank God for preparations that He has made in Afghanistan.
Last year our Afghan partners told us that their electronic devices were being checked for Bible apps. BTJ hackers began working together on a solution for them and we were able to launch Operation Black Trumpet in Afghanistan.
Today the Taliban, in an event that few saw coming, is said to be going door-to-door looking at people's phones searching for Bible apps. If they have launched Operation Black Trumpet on their device, the Taliban would not be able to find the Bible on their phone. Not many Afghan Christians know about it, but it is spreading through the underground church.
Please keep them in your prayers.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

Jesus came to Save His people FROM their Sins.
--- Matthew 1:21
--- “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
--- John 8:36
--- “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

Are you Free FROM Sin?

If not, you don't know Him yet.
--- 1 John 3:6
--- “Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.”

If you don't want to be Free ...
--- John 3:19
--- “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”

Do you want to be Free? Do you want to know Him? If so LETS TALK!

Jesus came to Save His people FROM their Sins. If you are not Saved FROM Sin you don't know Him. (Matthew 1:21, 1 John 3:6)

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.


Marriage is supposed to be a picture of the New Covenant.

If you have died and been Born Again in Baptism to Jesus Christ for the Remission of your Sins and received the Holy Spirit.

Blood has been shed and 2 spirits have been joined.

If you are one spirit with Him, how can you Sin without Him Sinning?

Can He Sin or are you not actually joined to Him? Have you taken His name in vain?

Please think and pray about this.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

****URGENT help needed****

Disastrous floods causing devastation in Zhenghzhou, China as we speak! Already lives have been lost and homes completely destroyed.

Firstly please join us in prayer, that the rain would cease and no more lives lost. Also, just as Jesus met the needs of people around Him, we need to put love & faith into action by sending urgent relief to these precious people.

Details below of how to donate 👇🏻. Updates to follow….

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