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This is why we started DingDash.
In fact our new tag line is going to be:
DingDash - because we didn't help the Taliban kill people.

@MaineStreams I can't imagine the pain and anger to watch all those ppl turned over to the enemy. The horror for those being turned over, to go from nervous happiness to the feeling of terror in the gut. I believe Jesus stood with all of them but what an tragic thing to endure. My heart cries for the return of Christ and yet marches onward for the lost souls. Satan needs to go to hell with his demons alone - without one person in his evil hands.

so, apparently ivermectin is safe enough for CDC to mandate for immigrants and refugees but too risky for americans to use? huh.

Anyone heard when China will be releasing the newest Covid Variant ?

Has Joe received Taliban orders for today yet?

This Sunday we want to thank God for preparations that He has made in Afghanistan.
Last year our Afghan partners told us that their electronic devices were being checked for Bible apps. BTJ hackers began working together on a solution for them and we were able to launch Operation Black Trumpet in Afghanistan.
Today the Taliban, in an event that few saw coming, is said to be going door-to-door looking at people's phones searching for Bible apps. If they have launched Operation Black Trumpet on their device, the Taliban would not be able to find the Bible on their phone. Not many Afghan Christians know about it, but it is spreading through the underground church.
Please keep them in your prayers.

So when Americans are killed by Taliban with US supplied weapons did they die from friendly fire?

So does the CDC have a scheduled day when the “ Science Changes”
Or do they just pick a day close to a day we need a diversion?

Currently there are four countries designated State Sponsors of Terrorism: Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Iran, and Syria.
Now (5) United States, ( fully armed the coup by Taliban)
Thanks Biden

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