
For the DD Family and Friends, you can watch the wonderful animated PILGRIMS PROGRESS movie for free by going to this link:

When you register, there's a drop-down box where you can choose to view it in the language of your choice. It is put out by RevelationMedia. I pray that you will be blessed and edified! πŸ™

Lord willing, it will be viewed in Bulgaria in the next few weeks.

@Susan, our family has been so blessed by this wonderful retelling of the classic story. Portrayed with such a wonderful understanding of Christ and the Gospel. Thanks for sharing here on DD.


Thank you so much for your message! Praying that many others will watch too either alone or together with their families. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

@Susan I've read the book Pilgrims progress years ago and there were many good insights on the Christian walk. I tried to watch the movie you recommended, but my English isn't good enough to follow it properly. Maybe I'll just take and read the book again! ☺


Hi Sari! I'm sorry it's not translated into Swedish and pray that it will be translated in the future so that you will be able to watch it. Sending you all my love and blessings in our Lord. ❀️ p.s. The book is wonderful and always timely. Spurgeon read it once a year. πŸ™‚

@Susan well, no doubt I'll need to read it again! πŸ‘

@Susan And thank you for your kind words! God bless you too dear sister! ❀

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