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A small, young sparrow sitting in a bush on a warm summer afternoon. Photographed in our back garden.

An abstract photo I took on my phone. A simple shot looking into a glass of fruit smoothie, followed by a little creative editing.
Pretty cool, right?

@MaryMamuzich Thank you. I was really pleased when I first saw this shot. The thing is, with light trails, you can never be sure what you'll get when you press the shutter. But this one turned out beautifully. 😊

Hi guys. I've not posted any photos for a while, but I've got loads I'm really looking forward the sharing with you.
Photos are such a good way to show God's light and beauty in the world, and I hope to do just that with my photography.
Anyhow, here's a great light trail I captured from the car one night. It was tricky, but after a few attempts, I managed to get a light trail that gradually fades out of the frame.

Thank you for such a huge compliment. πŸ€—

"All Turns to Silhouette"

As the sun retired one evening,
I could not believe what I was seeing.
The night was nigh, the day was away,
And all turned black, darker than grey.
"What a bizarre phenomenon," said I,
For what had transpired none could deny.
Then saw I, as my mind danced a pirouette,
That in such light, all turns to silhouette.

@MaryMamuzich Absolutely. If nothing else could convince me of God's goodness, the sunset would.

A wondrous supernova of sunlight, blowing beautiful crimson across the sky with incredible power and grace. πŸ’₯ πŸŒ…

Just saw an amazing sunset, and I thought you guys might like to see it too.
The first photo was taken on my phone, to give you a wide view, while the second was taken on my proper camera, to allow me to be more artistic.

You're probably right. In fact, it might not be waving at all. 😬

I read Jesus' parables about the scattered seed in Mark 4 and the Vine and the branches in John 15 today.
So you're reading John 1-8? I had begun to memorise John 1 a while ago. "In the beginning was the Word..." It's interesting - I find it to be even more profound and striking each time I read it.

That's precisely what Jesus often did when preaching, isn't it? To explain how different people respond to God's Word, for example, He used the parable of the seed falling on different ground.

Great devotional. I especially like the analogy of the military shield formations and call for backup. It helped me to visualise and further grasp the concept of God as our Shield. πŸ›‘οΈ

@Berrybunchfamily Glad you think so. It took quite a while to set up and achieve just the right balance of light and spacing.

This is my first proper try at flat lay photography.

I had been wanting to try my hand at flat lay photography for some time. Having done extensive research on the genre, I formed an idea for an image in my mind. Then I began to prepare for the shoot.
Firstly, I collected the bits and pieces for the border and background. I used a chopping board from our kitchen for the background, the wood and bark were sourced from our store of kindling, and the rabbit skin was borrowed (with permission) from my brother.
With the ingredients gathered, I set to work arranging them around my subject - a souvenir from a trip to a Land Rover exhibition.
With the stage set, I turned to the lighting. I used just two lights in the end, with the aim of illuminating the picture evenly, while maintaining adequate definition in the image.
I spent more time than usual fine-tuning the picture afterwards, adjusting the tone, sharpness and exposure to create a very rustic feel.

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