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discipleship @sinbach
I have recently been introduced to DMM, DBS, and T4T methods. It is said these methods are the primary reason for the growth of the underground church in China. Is it true? Do Chinese missionaries also use these as well in the areas BTJ?

@sinbach Like everything else in life, we have to compare to the Word.
Thank God, my fear based salvation turned to a love based salvation and now the events, people, and timing of the end times is less influential.

@sinbach 5 years old... at church. We watched "Thief in the Night" and "A Distant Thunder." Both are 70's rapture/end times movies and both cheesy. But they scared me into salvation because I didnt want my head chopped off. Thing is, we lived on a farm next to railroad tracks. So every night the house would shake and I would hear a loud 'trumpet.' I ran downstairs to make sure mom and dad were still in bed.
It's funny now, but not back then!

My eschatology has changed but people still make cheesy end times movies. And worse yet, viewers of these movies take them as scriptural!

I'm probably way late to the game on this... but this could come in handy for some people in some countries that need to hide their Bible app..

It was good to meet you! Thanks for coming this way. I could have held you up even longer than I did with all my questions... 😆

Wearing my new BJT hat during devotional set at my local house of prayer. They dont allow gum, but I smuggled some in. 😎 😆

@sinbach Just finished reading "The 6 Lies.." 😂 should be mandatory reading in Bible schools!

All those points are reasons that I am self supporting. I work and save, then send and go. No need to exaggerate. No newsletters, or judgments. Just keep genuine relationships for accountability and encouragement. Pray and obey.

Next book... "The 6 lies indigenous leaders tell Westerners. "

1) you're my only supporter ** one church had 5 different sign boards for photo ops as needed**😆
2) there are no other churches around **of their particular denomination**
3) we're planting a church in every village **on paper only**
4) there are no churches around **church buildings... home groups dont count unless it is theirs**
5) I have #### churches under my care
6) I am caring for #### orphans

"Westerners... we can do it faster, better, cheaper than you. STAY home. Send money. We'll provide photos. We know you like photos."

Just read an article about the Yemen crisis.
So... Iran and Saudi can send weapons but they cant send food?
Yemen is the poorest country in the ME.. not far from some of the richest.

My new favorite band! MIQEDEM
Great musicians from Israel singing the Psalms in Hebrew!
Check them out on Youtube

There are too many things to be concerned about. A human being, as much as he/she may want to, CANNOT actively care about everything wrong in the world. We simply dont have the capacity. We cant give to every need or even feel passionate about it.
We can pray, but most of the time, that is all we can do. If our Father leads us to be more intimately involved in a certain cause or need, then of course, we obey.
I'm personally involved in church planting, Bible schools, children's homes, and such in the 10/40. But I dont expect everyone to jump on board with the same things in the same places.
"Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you."
Pray and obey. Leave the rest to God.

@tymektt @sinbach
Wow! Praise God he is free. I've never been to Nigeria, so I cannot speak authoritatively, but it seems like such a dichotomy from what I've read and researched. For example, just web search the top 10 richest pastors in the world. 5 Americans, 2 Zimbabweans, and 3 Nigerians with mega churches and political influence.

@sinbach Since you have ties in Sweden... how about Ulf Christiansan and Jerusalem? One of my favorite bands as well. Saw them at Agape Fest in Greenville Illinois, early 80's. Been a fan ever since

@sinbach oh Yea! My parents and uncles came to Jesus during the Jesus Movement. They didnt want me to listen to secular music, so they hooked me up to Petra, Rez Band, Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, Keith Green, 2nd chapter of Acts, etc... I transferred my records to mp3 and still listen.

@sinbach oh I've heard it and it's still in my playlist! "Lucas McGraw what's come over you?" "Come and join us in the sunlight"

@sinbach awesome! I still listen to Petra and I'm 50 years old. Cant wait to hear the podcast!

I went to reSurge website, but no live broadcast that I see... was hoping to join @sinbach

All humans have some kind of fear due to upbringing, environment, beliefs, etc... What is "cautious preparation" for one is "irrational fear" to another.

Then we criticize each other for "negligence" or "over-reaction."

We all have to mitigate our individual fears.
Some wear masks, some wear guns. Some buy insurance, some buy gold. Some "take a stand" on social media, some prefer to switch platforms.

I grew up with a fear of having children. So I mitigated that fear at age 20. Irrational or smart?

What's the difference? Fear is fear.

Someone has counted 365 "do not fear(s)" in the Bible. How does that play out in our daily lives?

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