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A good friend and I were talking about a topic we agreed upon... then I showed a Bible verse which I thought would "put a nail in the coffin." Doing this opened a can of worms and started a heated discussion.
I apologized for even bringing up the topic. I should have known he would have strong feelings.
Damaged relationship. Not worth it. Stay away from the non-essentials.

They want very specific answers to: Why are you here? Who will you see? How do you know them? Where will you stay? How long will you be here?
Prove everything with documents like names, addresses, hotel reservations. Your mobile may not work, so have screenshots or printed papers.
In the end it turns out they were concerned that I was going to work in Canada. I had my boots and hard hat in the back seat, because I drove there right after work. 5 officers will search your car and will lie to you to get you flustered. Be cool.

Wow! Crossing the border was an experience! I was searched and interrogated more than any other country, including Turkey, India, Ukraine...
I guess I have a suspicious face
Welcome to Canadastan

Road trip time!
Driving up to Ontario this weekend to see Brother Yun... twice!

Persecution is on the rise on India, especially in Chhatisgarh State. I've seen videos of believers getting beaten by bamboo poles, and their rice crops stolen.
From a friend:

Situation got very serious in Narayanpur city. While we all were celebrating New Year in different places. They destroyed several churches from last 3days including one of our village church. All the Christians from these 3 villages are sleeping in jungle from last 3 nights. They are seeking to kill Pas Rajmal. He is hiding from few days. Please pray. Around 9 hundred persecutors gather and attacked 2 of Pas Rajmal Karanga's place on January 1st. A Mob (4000 people) gather in Narayanpur city. Destroyed Christian school and a church. There is a curfew now. These people want to close down whole Baster division. In Baster there are 6 districts including Bijapur and Narayanpur. My family (The Overseeing Pastor Ramesh & Family ) has to move out today to be in a safe place. Please pray for us and our protection.

I could be wrong, but I think that plain greek yogurt and sour cream are the same thing

2 months in India.. now in Dubai for a few hours.. then home into the wings of my little bird😊

When God speaks through an advertisement sticker on the side of the road in a small town in India...

Fox news article concerning Christian persecution in Iran. It is especially poignant considering the BTJ Voice of the Persecuted Church conference last week.

I had 2 people come up to me asking if I am Eugene Bach! (When I was wearing the BTJ hat)

It's so nice to meet the BTJ team this weekend at the Voice of the Persecuted Church Conference!

I read this recently..
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12..
My paraphrase of this passage and my prayer for you as well is that our Lord brings into full reality all your desires that you have to do good. And He brings into full reality your work prompted by faith. The goal is that Jesus is glorified in you, and you in Him! All by His enabling, powerful grace!

I thought you were quoting song lyrics, and trying to see if anyone could finish it. So I googled it.

I turned on my playlist this morning and first song was one from the BTJ Chinese Christmas album.
"Yesu Eye Knee" as Brother Yun says. Jesus loves you.
I had to sit down and replay it a few times. What a simple, yet very powerful and anointed song.
I wish I knew all the lyrics in English.

Had a great time camping with my nephew and visiting this place!

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