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I'm at the roller skate rink with my nieces and nephew.
I dont know any of the songs, except a remake of Crazy Train.
I'm old.
Back in my day, they used to have a Christian skate night... and I would hear Petra sometimes.

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URGENT PRAYER - I forgot to add - our names are debbie and tammy.

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URGENT PRAYER - please pray for me and my sister -we both have severe covid pneumonia and have very low oxygen levels - we need a miracle from God to be healed. I am in the hospital and they keep trying to give me remdesevir and want to put me on a ventilator. I'm so very scared - please pray for me. my sister is being treated at home - she found a Dr that will prescribe ivermectin - we are waiting for it to arrive. we both truly need a miracle.

Just got a proper thrashing from
C.T. Studd
Am I a "Chocolate Soldier?"
(the modern "Snowflake")

Get your backside tanned here:

... and you might want a British dictionary handy

One good thing about Christmas, especially with my friends in India, is that they get to have public meetings and share the Gospel. Indians love a festival with songs and food, and somehow the ones in authority allow it and even attend!

A Biblical case for singleness:
1) Jesus was single. Read Matthew 19. "... some make themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of God." Another time, Jesus was teaching and His disciples responded, "... if this is the case, it's better for a man not to be married."
2) Apostle Paul was single, and he even made statements like, "... married will have trouble." "I wish you would be like me." "Its better to marry than to burn with lust." "If a person marries, they have not sinned." "A single person can give more attention to the things of God than
a married person."

So was Jesus and Paul contradicting the command to "Be fruitful and multiply?"
(You're not supposed to make babies without being married)

Or... has that command actually been the ONLY command that has been obeyed by mankind? (I wonder why?... ahem... 🤔 😘 😜 )

I'm really NOT into Christmas...

BUT I downloaded the "Christmas in China" mp3 songs from BTJ and I'm enjoying it!
I don't understand anything except, "Yesu" and that's good enough for me.

The same goes for the other worship songs I have in other languages.

"Yesaya, Isa, Yeshua, Yeshu"

Makes me feel more connected to the greater Body of Christ while enjoying different musical styles.

HE is the ONE who unifies us!

I highly recommend "The Jesus Music" movie.
It's great for the younger ones who need to know how it all started...
And great for us older ones to reminisce.

I'm less concerned about dying. I am more concerned about not living.
Not a slave.

Hebrews 2:14-15...
"... so that by His death He might destroy the one who has the power of death (that is, the devil) and might free those who were slaves all their lives because they were terrified by death. "

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I’ve been having serious pain in my lower stomach. Having CT scan on Monday. Appreciate your prayers.

I was once a man trapped in a woman's body.

For 9 months.

Then I got delivered.

At the Sabina movie with my niece.
Is it wrong for a Christian to use a Christian organization's smuggler hat to smuggle snacks into a Christian movie that features smuggling?
I didn't do it, just asking for a friend.

Have you seen the movie, "Tortured for Christ?" Or read the book?
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, from Romania.
A new movie is coming next week in theaters about his wife, Sabina.
Here's a link to find a location near you.

Have the Aurora borealis been strong in Sweden and Norway this year? Last week, it was supposed to be visible here in the US. It's on my bucket list to see it.

When you have things to do, but he is just too cute to disturb. He has pretty much assumed this position since I've returned from Europe. (Only bird people understand)

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