Had a great time in Indiana yesterday!
Got to see Sister Esther speak and Joanna did a wonderful job translating!
Also got to see Will and Paul!
It's great to leave a church service encouraged, challenged, and connected.

Mikaela Shiffrin, the champion skier, just said something profound on an interview.
She overcame a knee injury recently and still won many downhill races.
She said (paraphrased), "Love makes you overcome fear. I fear pain. I fear injury. But my love for skiing compels me."

Reminds me of:
"...Perfect love casts out fear..."
"The love of Christ compels us..."

There's no worse job in the church than being the sound guy. Thank goodness for the Babylon Bee and their helpful tips.πŸ˜†


What if AI reads all books in the world... including the Bible... and decides to follow Jesus and encourages the world to do it too?

Could AI help spread the Gospel?
Bible translation?
What if we set up a computer and microphone in an untranslated town...
Then AI learns the language, already knows Hebrew and Greek.. and translates the Bible in a short time?

Just read an article about how a normally intelligent, rational person was duped out of $50k. The scammers used:

The problem is that even good legitimate leaders and organizations, without ill intent, often use the same.

Do we need to be coerced to do good or to give?
Is there an alternative?

"This is the most important election in US history!"

... said every 4 years πŸ˜† πŸ™„

Headed to Ireland in 1 week!
I've always wanted to go there.
Any Dingdashers there?

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future, my life is worth living
just because He lives

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