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Surrendering to God means you don't have to surrender to the Devil!

"URGENT: The most powerful evidence yet that mRNA vaccines hurt long-term immunity to Covid after infection." (A link to the scientific paper is in the article)

(2 Corinthians 1:3-11)
Dear Father, great and gentle one,

When I am utterly, unbearably crushed so that I despair of life itself, when I feel as if I have received the sentence of death, remind me that I am to rely not on myself but on you, the God who raises the dead.

It is only you who can deliver from deadly peril. I have set my hope on you. You deliver me again and again and again. How faithful you are!

I pray for my many brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, that they will experience relief from suffering, deliverance from peril, and comfort after grief and despair.

Grant bountiful blessings to your people, my God, in answer to many prayers. Please receive this one and make it count among the many others!

Thank you, Father. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Spirit.

Arrested for bringing beef to school. Please pray people may be sensitive to religious beliefs and practices.

Contradiction? When was rejected by the people in his hometown of Nazareth? This article resolve the objection the skeptics raises

MARIAM WILL BE SHARING HER STORY in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania

Hey, People of encouraged! 😍
“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
— Hebrews 1:9

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