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Reality for most American Citizens this year and the following ten years.

This was quite touching to watch. "As a police officer, Chad Robichaux had to make a life-or-death decision. As a Force Recon Marine serving as part of a Joint Special Operations Command Task Force, he witnessed unspeakable evil. Eight tours later those memories still haunted him."
Sometimes I wonder how soldiers who serve in wars make it mentally. They seem so fearless. But Chad says many suffer from PTSD, 80% go through divorce, and around 20 veterans kill themselves every day. Chad, who served in Afghanistan, wouldn't have made it without the help of God. Now he and his wife help veterans.

If you are going through a season of loss…grief…heartbreak, NEVER run from God or seek vainly for relief from somewhere else. Dive deeper into His presence than ever before. God is far more familiar with the landscapes of grief and loss than any man shall ever be, and He cares far greater than you can imagine, and will carry you safely through.

SECRETS: In a time after time’s end, He ascends above all things to that place where He, alone, dwells. He bears a lonely sorrow, shielded from all other hearts; a gnawing grief of shattered hopes held for those who would not be reached. The fullness of all glory…secretly weeps.

Have you noticed that you can join Back to Jerusalem on Telegram? I just saw it on their website. So far we are only four people there.

Skeptics thinks this is a contradiction: Is it OK to make images? But it’s not a contradiction see our response

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