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Boarding a flight to Switzerland after 2 amazing days with my youngest in Texas.
I'm so proud of what he has done and filled with hope for what the Father has for his future.

Looking at the woman with the spirit of infirmity for 18 years, we'll find that two of the greatest enemies of the woman are Satan & religion. Satan bound this woman for 18 years, but when Jesus set her free, the leader of the synagogue protested against her freedom.

While Satan takes pleasure to afflict women, religion delights in seeing them remain under Satan’s bondage. And if by whatever means the woman is set free by the Lord, religion will vehemently oppose the woman for the freedom she received to be able to “look up” instead of being bent and bowed,

Religion wants women to remain bent and bowed, provided they continue to perform their religious rites. Religion smiles in satisfaction, while the woman weeps and wails. Jesus came to set the woman free from religious and Satanic slavery that has hitherto incapacitated her and stopped her from finding full liberty and expression of who God created her to be.

Jesus sets the woman free from Satan and religion. Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! The intercessor is back to business! The 24 x 7 prayer he is building up continued their intercession for the Nations, even in his absence.

Stent removed. Please continue to pray for his wife, who has hearing challenges and other ailments. Children are in High School. Especially for continuous flow of finances and a permanent place for them to stay and continue their ministry.

I was studying about the woman with the spirit of infirmity for 18 years and I saw the sad picture of many women in marriage. These women have been bruised, abused, and battered by their beastly husbands. As a result, they're now bowed and broken and unable to look up.
Emotionally broken and can't look up
Mentally broken and can't look up
Psychologically broken and can't look up
Spiritually broken and can't look up.

Though these women have lots of potentials in them, but the accidents of a failed marriage have broken them down.

The first thing Jesus did to the woman was to call her to His side - Relationship with Jesus. The first and greatest healing that every bowed and broken woman needs is to have an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Lady, get out of your seat of sorrow, sin, shame, depression, and regrets, and go and stand on the Lord's side of love. Jesus loves the woman. Hallelujah!

PTL! A couple thousand eBibles hidden from secret police. They move into country RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSE. 🙏🙏🙏

"Something else in our relative’s gospel presentation stood out: her claim that “Jesus can set you free from fear and save you from eternal death.” These words were medicine for my soul and food for my hungry heart. I had never heard such words of peace and reassurance from any spiritual leader in the Islamic world."

An Every Day in an age of Active Shooters (Principles for protection and what to do)

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