Thank you brother,
God bless you today 🙏
WhyOutreach made a meme of our post fact-checking the skeptics' slander of the #Bible:
It's beautiful how Torben Sondergaard's time in jail has made him humble. 🙏🏻 I love his message in this video. Yes, we are one body in Christ and we need eachother. ❤
Thankful For Nourishment
#Bible Contradiction? Is all Scripture inspired by #God? Resolved! Read our #Apologetics response
#Christianity #Scripture
Receiving Nourishment
#Free E-Book: Van Til & the Use of Evidence
#Apologetics #Christianity #Theology McCarthy directs House to open formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden #mccarthy #biden #impeachment #house
#Ministry Travels lesson: Hiding A #Bible in A Re-Education Camp
#Christianity #Faith
Waiting For Nourishment How to Sleep Soundly and wake up refreshed. 90% of people are magnesium deficient (full spectrum magnesium, specifically) that leads to insomnia, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, overthinking, muscle cramps and overheating. If you toss and turn most nights with insomnia, have headaches, anxiety and overthinking, restless leg syndrome, brittle bones, poor circulation, brain fog and painful joints you are probably deficient in natural magnesium. Full spectrum magnesium works to correct the imbalance between calcium and magnesium in your brain and body. Most people have too much junk calcium that is causing these problems. Full spectrum magnesium will be greatly helpful! #magnesium #insomnia #sleep #brainfog #anxiety