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“Both nations and individuals have tried Christianity and abandoned it, because it has been found too difficult;

but no man has ever gone through the crisis of deliberately making Jesus Lord and found Him to be a failure.”

Oswald Chambers

"Tyranny grows slowly and asks us to retreat in comparatively tiny steps. - Jordan Peterson. How to stop what is stealing your energy and health. Are you feeling tired a lot now? It may be due to Chronic Fatigue. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and how can you reverse what is causing it along with (ME and fibromyalgia?) What most medical doctors miss and why their patients never heal from it.

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Are you still having problems with your phone.
Telegram or whatsapp 🤔 It is safer with Signal!

Shabbat shalom y'all. Here is some developments of the last 48 hours with Israel to keep in prayer. Gaza threatened Israel and said no one was to visit the temple mount tomorrow. The IDF responded by drafting another 23000 reserve troops and beginning operation breaking Dawn. So far 15 jihad senior officials have been killed as well as 20+ Islamic jihad activists in the west bank. Gaza has fired 160 missiles of which 10% fell in Gaza. Gaza has stated that they are in no hurry to get anywhere. We will continue to exhaust the enemy. Israel stated that they will continue to fight and target jihad officials until the jihad stops sending missiles. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Julie Chung , US ambassador to SL is quite compassionate about our people.
Please pray for her.

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