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S05E030, Halloween – Good or Bad?!? Andy B 2 Minute Video

Halloween – is it a good thing or a bad thing to celebrate Halloween?

I’ve heard both sides of the argument!

I’ve listened to church ministers of the gospel who say we should celebrate it, because it is nothing to fear since we are Christians; putting on a Halloween celebration is good for the church to do as it shows how churches are still relevant for a modern world.

I’ve listened to church ministers of the gospel who say we should never celebrate it, because to do so is invite evil into our churches and into our lives.

So what do I think? What is the position of the Ministry – that reaches out to families all around the world?

Well, to be honest, we couldn’t do better than Canon J John, who wrote an article we also published – in full, with permission – on our own website. So, go read his article. It’s typically, [READ MORE]

Andy B

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S05E030, Halloween – Good or Bad?!? Andy B 2 Minute Video

Halloween – is it a good thing or a bad thing to celebrate Halloween?

I’ve heard both sides of the argument!

I’ve listened to church ministers of the gospel who say we should celebrate it, because it is nothing to fear since we are Christians; putting on a Halloween celebration is good for the church to do as it shows how churches are still relevant for a modern world.

I’ve listened to church ministers of the gospel who say we should never celebrate it, because to do so is invite evil into our churches and into our lives.

So what do I think? What is the position of the Ministry – that reaches out to families all around the world? [READ MORE]

Andy B

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"Americans have recently spent more money buying Halloween costumes for their pets than the amount given to reach the unreached."

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