@mystik @bethany @sinbach
Seriously, are you ok? You don't sound like it. You are so confusing... you ask me to chill out when I was just lightly seeing something that really is humorous, then you bring a full out attack on him, twisting what he was saying. Where is this all coming from?
And what's with "comparing is not good," that's all you have been doing on every post, if it's not good, then stop ding it, and begin to show and share the appreciation you say he should.
And while we are at it, andohtr confusing thing, are you male or female?
In a previous post you write "Women know how to feel, we know how to think. Heart vs brain. Which one do you need more?"
When you say we know how to think, you leave the assumption you are a woman.
Then in this post you write "(at least for us men)" leaving the assumption you are male?
I am so very confused by everything you are posting.
@sinbach But Im thinking we need to buy the domain facebook.com then sell it back to them!!! 😂
@sinbach If they never recover, can't say I will shed any tears over it!
@sinbach quick buy it, we can sell it back for millions! 😂
@sinbach ATT is still working for us.
@bethany @tymektt @ChristieLeanne The highlight of 2020 / 2021!!!
@sinbach these are great, I have it in a flat griddle, a dutch oven, and even a wok! good luck getting it through in your carry on!