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Andy H boosted

As persecution increases in the west and signs point to End Times, Pastor Shen shares lessons from the underground house church in China that can give us hope and boldness.

Andy H boosted

Twitter launched a community watch program yesterday that is straight from Mao Zedong's deadly "people have sharp eyes" program - encouraging neighbors to report on neighbors that think differently.
Millions died in China from this program.

Andy H boosted

God has Not given us a Spirit of fear, but of a love, power and a sound mind (self disciplined)...

Keep your reactionary emotionalism in check, in times of high stress, a knee jerk reaction can do allot of damage to yourself and others. Selah (pause and consider) think and pray before you make any life changing decisions.
Love & Prayers

Just thinking about a Christian Brother who if the Lord chooses not to heal his Cancer will be going to Glory in a short time maybe even days.He isn’t afraid at the prospect of dying just unfinished life things and Family also the transition between this life and Eternity.Let us pray that He will receive a glimpse of what Jesus has in store through a vision or Dream in these last few days of his life on this Earth. Let us all be ready to cast off these mortal coils when our Lord calls us home 🙏

Andy H boosted

White men abusing and urinating on black woman in racially charged porn. Asian grils tied up and forced into brutal sex acts. Page after page of glorified rape scenes - some of them REAL. All hosted by Amazon servers, and supported phone applications on Google Play and iTunes.
And US Congress? Not a peep!
But Yes - please tell me again how Parler is the problem and needs to be shut down.
@ChristieLeanne - thanx for sharing. THIS NEEDS TO GET OUT!

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

If you have a spare hour today, listen to this podcast. If you don't, try and make time.

Honest, difficult, challenging and inspiring...

Andy H boosted

Is all sin the same or are there different levels of sin? In the eyes of God is committing rape the same as telling a lie to grandma saying her cookies taste good when they really don't?
We dissect this question and see what the Bible says.

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Jan 8, 2021

41-year-old pediatric nurse from Portugal dropped dead not long after being injected with the first dose of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Denmark, U.K. both consider delaying second dose of Pfizer jab due to safety concerns

SOURCE- Natural News

Andy H boosted

Interesting drive home yesterday You wouldn’t think the uk was in lockdown with all the traffic around May the Lord help us

@sinbach any good for smuggling pill bibles in? Found this at Hope church..

Andy H boosted

Police raid house church during Christmas celebration....and what happens next is a HUGE warning ⚠️ for Covid testing.

Andy H boosted

One official church wanted to hold a Christmas event. This form has a stamp of all of the departments that had to approve it first.

Andy H boosted

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today is our final day. The Chinese government is taking every measure they can to stop the message of Christmas, but we stand together with the underground house church and pray that the message of Jesus Christ will not be silenced.

Today, on Christmas Eve, we light a candle and pray for the persecuted church in China.

Day 12:

Andy H boosted

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE FIFTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a burning prayer for the believers in Iran.

"Iran has seen more believers come to Christ in the last 20 years than in the last 1,000 years"

Join us for Day 5:

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