
Just had such an amazing morning on the streets of our town here in the UK. Our church went out to witness to people on this Easter weekend.
We have never seen people so open. People asked us for prayer, asked to take home Bibles, asked if they could come to our Sunday service tomorrow, and we saw several people receive Christ into their lives for the first time! God is SO good! 🙌🏼

Praise God for His Goodness to men, that He can use us as His agents to bring Good News in these dark days.
Dear Father God touch all those reached today be it by kindness, prayer or Your Word. Let the Gospel Seeds of Love take root and sprout in each soul, bringing a harvest for Heaven to Your Glory. Amen. @bethany

@bethany AMEN! The Light of Life continues to shine in darkness. All praise to Christ's Holy Name! And bless you, Bethany for your faithful work in His service!

@bethany Glory, Glory to God. May this phenomenon soon cover the earth!

@bethany praise God!! This is so exciting. Great work

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