@tymektt ....seriously THESE are the best I've ever had. they are super soft, perfectly flavored, and just the right amount of dry mold on top. I bought them here in Dubai and I'm in LOVE

@sinbach @tymektt I just don't know that 'dry mold' should ever be said in the same sentence as 'perfectly flavoured' 😩😂

@bethany WHAT? some of my favorite foods have mold! - Shropshire cheese - from your part of the world - being one of them. An amazing piece of shropshire with a pinch of apricot preserve on top, wrapped with a fatty piece of Prosciutto, immediately washed down with a super tuscan? heaven!

@sinbach okay, serious question. Did you like this kind of food in your 20s? Or is this a... recent thing?

@bethany it's minna. ALL minna. in my early 20s i only really ate pizza, burgers, donuts, macaroni and cheese, etc. food got in my way for the most part. i didn't REALLY enjoy anything. then one day i accidentally ate a piece of minna's "medium rare" steak at Ruth's Steak House (yes, there's a difference). i say accidentally, because i hated the idea - i ONLY liked well done. i immediately fell in love! I also HATED salmon. hated the smell of any fish cooking. but in my late 20s, minna tricked me into eating grilled salmon in Finland called Loimulohi - and OMG - its all I wanted to eat for a month straight. Then every xmas, she had me eat raw salmon with mustard sauce - now it's my fave. my taste buds went through a radical transformation in my 30s and i fell in love with food. i also fell in love with cooking. now in my 40s, rich flavored food and deep dark wine are two things that paint my world happy.


@sinbach guess I'll wait on that 'radical transformation'. It's not that I wouldn't try the weirder stuff you like, I just wouldn't choose it unless it was put in front of me. I don't know. There's probably some science there linking age and taste, I'm sure.

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