Andy B 2 Minute Video Vlog, God, You and Me!, S3, E19

Modern Christianity has skewed how we see God and the devil. It has skewed God into some sort of best mate or pal. And we absolutely should see God as always approachable. But we should do so, seeing Him with the respect we’d have for an earthly father, than just a mate.

In the same way, we’ve seen modern Christianity skew our perspective on our enemy - the devil.; that we somehow have power over him, which we, of course do not. Any power that can be exercised over the devil, comes from the blood of Jesus, and the complete and final defeat that Jesus exercised over the devil when He died and rose again three days later.


Andy B

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@Berrybunchfamily Loved the point you made here about reverence. It's interesting - I've been thinking about it a lot lately after hearing so many sermons on YouTube which swing so far in the opposite direction. Heard a message last week where they referred to the Holy Spirit as "fun and silly"... really hit a nerve with me. There HAS to be a balance somewhere. Anyway, appreciated your video (as always)!

@bethany Thanks. The one thing we were hated for the most in full time children's ministry was out push to teach the children about reverence

The one thing that worked to fix bad discipline every time, that brought us frustrated praise?

Teaching the children about reverence.

@bethany I could talk LOTS and LOTS about reverence.

Like how one mum went to town at us for forcing her children to be silent in church

That is what she presumed reverence to mean....

...since our passion was getting children involved as a normal part of church life (not the clap the kids for having a go type - that makes me want to peel my eyes with a blunt spoon type) she backed down as she took some time t lolearn what reverence means....and it certainly isn't about children being constantly silent in church!

Like I said, I could talk to you ALL DAY about this subject 🙂

Thankfully I'm restricted right now as I'm in the middle of cooking dinner so you're saved for today

@Berrybunchfamily Maybe you could do a dedicated episode to it one day? I'd enjoy hearing your take

@bethany I'm currently writing a teaching series for Olli - he's been so wonderfully encouraging to get me to have some confidence, and believe in myself!

I'll do one on reverence after that...I have much to say ;-)

@bethany @Berrybunchfamily I am also looking forward with eager anticipation and great expectation!

@bethany @Berrybunchfamily the minute you upload the content..I will with fiery alacrity consume the contents....and forthwith turn in Popeye the Sailor Man!!!!!

@Berrybunchfamily @bethany
Dear Brother...the focus is on your teaching which will be good nutrition....that will turn me into a spiritual giant!!!!!!!
(I can see how Jesus had issues with people's interpretation of His parables)😜😜

@Berrybunchfamily @bethany
I love it...
And when I'm coming to England...I hope to find plenty of it on your dinner table.

@Olamide @bethany Olli I will kindly share my portion with you. That's how generous I am!!

@bethany I'd have probably said something pretty direct to whoever called the Holy Spirit - fun and silly

@Berrybunchfamily yeah thankfully it wasn't in person. It was a speaker from a well known church whose message I watched online. Seems to be something of a trend these days sadly

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