Prayer 2:62, Tuesday to Friday, from 4pm, (UK time)

We Broadcast our prayer times - Live - on both our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Last we focused our prayers on Nigeria. Thanks @Olamide for that super helpful video!

This week, we're really grateful for @bethany putting a video together so we can focus our prayers on China for the week.

So thanks Bethany, and all are welcome to join in for 20 minutes or so. (you can watch it on YouTube if that might help you)

Andy B

BerryBunch on Facebook

BerryBunch on YouTube

@Berrybunchfamily @bethany
I am Super Grateful, too..for the work BTJ is doing in China ...God bless you all.
Will be praying some Super Prayers..for Super answers!!! God bless!

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily I have no idea where I've picked that up from! πŸ˜‚ It's far more American than British


@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily πŸ€£πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ now I'm going to be SO aware of it

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