In this podcast, @bethany and I hash it out.
Are men and women the same?
Should women be pastors?
Would I EVER attend a church pastored by a woman?
And Finally - why do I love chick flicks so much?
Such a fun and honest podcast with plenty to agree about and disagree about.

@sinbach @bethany I see a โ€œTwo Guysโ€ episode in the works

@xtian @sinbach it's probably for the best we weren't both in the same room ๐Ÿ˜‚

@bethany it would've been so much better to see the expressions on your face live!

@sinbach no I'm sure you value your life more than that

@bethany wow. a threat. nice.
after all these years, I am having an impact. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


@tymektt @sinbach excuse me, that's my emoji. Get your own ๐Ÿ™„

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