Do you have a band/singer that you can listen to ALL DAY on a loop?

@sinbach that's a great question... Norah Jones? Never get tired of her

@bethany ooohhh....I must have listened to Norah Jones "Come Away with Me" on loop a thousand times.


@sinbach what! You have never told me that. It's one of my favourite songs of ALL time

@bethany oh sorry, not just the song. that was the name of the CD. I listened to the entire CD over and over. no bad songs on that CD.

@sinbach @bethany Bethany you’d love the album. Nightingale and Seven Years are great songs on there! Tbh it’s just a great album!

@Lindseyay @sinbach yeah I love the album. Her stuff is my most played music on my phone

@sinbach you know where I first heard her? Maid in Manhatten

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